Our health-checks and check ups provide the insights and guidance to help businesses achieve their long-term potential and their purpose.
Our clients can call us into any stakeholder situation or operational change to help move the dial when and where they need.
We start by a simple baseline that includes:
A baseline radar of where you are, stakeholder competitiveness and operational resilience pathways.
Clarity in your business purpose. What it is trying to do - outside of earning the financial revenue needed to fuel its operation.
Your business radar: How we see your business success and operational change needs. Two dimensions: Stakeholder competitiveness and Operational resilience.
How we see your change journey
Your business moves through a set of transitions. Evolving levels of quality, competitiveness and maturity with every Stakeholder.
Each transition has a different area of focus in your Op Model.
When to Start
3 stage Roadmap. ‘For Profit’ stakeholders first.
-> Ready for growth
-> Sustainable - Profitable
-> Thriving
How we work
We provide business insights and health checks.
First Baseline - Where are you?
Based on interviews with stakeholders we provide a first baseline report of where you are and structured insights into your progress: Gaps - Changes. and Work-ons .
This provides a clear view to help you organise your change journey and cadence, firstly to sustainability and then thriving.
Regular check ups:
We will be there to support you with regular structured Monthly or Quarterly check ups, on call guidance and tools to enable your team’s capabilities.
On call. Spoke fixes
Short, hands-on interventions to establish or improve your work and move the dial with any of your Stakeholder groups. This can vary from Shareholder/Investor briefings, unblocking a Partnership issue, assessing Customer impact and value, or ESG reporting to finding the right Community strategy. We are on hand to help when you need it.
Find out more….
Get in touch.
Whether you have a project need, looking for guidance or simply want to bounce some ideas, we’d love to hear from you.